European Parliament calls for Michael Dwyer inquiry

Bolivia expresses ‘indignation’ at resolution passed by MEPs

The European Parliament’s resolution follows a submission to the UN of evidence gathered by Michael Dwyer’s family which they say proves their son was summarily executed by Bolivian authorities following a police raid on the hotel where he and four other men were staying in the eastern Bolivian city of Santa Cruz.

The European Parliament has called for an international investigation into the deaths of Irishman Michael Dwyer and two other EU nationals at the hands of Bolivian police in April 2009.

The resolution follows the submission to the United Nations of evidence gathered by Dwyer's family which they say proves their son was summarily executed by Bolivian authorities following a police raid on the hotel where he and the four other men were staying in the eastern Bolivian city of Santa Cruz.

'Fair and independent trial'
In a resolution passed on Thursday, MEPs also demanded that Bolivian authorities "ensure a fair and independent trial" for Elod Tóásó and Mario Tadic, the two EU nationals arrested on the night Dwyer was killed.

They are currently on trial in Bolivia along with 37 Bolivians linked to the political opposition accused of terrorism. The resolution called into question the legitimacy of the proceedings against them as they were held in custody before their trial "in disregard of the Bolivian law".


The court proceedings in Bolivia has long since descended into farce with the public prosecutor who led the investigation quitting following the emergence of evidence that authorities blackmailed witnesses and tampered with evidence.

The government’s main lawyer at the trial was himself arrested during proceedings following accusations he had sought to extort money from a US citizen held in Bolivia on drug charges.

The EU resolution provoked a strong reaction from Bolivian authorities, which labelled it “an unwise act of neo-colonialism by right-wing factions of the European Parliament”.

In a press conference Bolivia’s foreign minister, David Choquehuanca, expressed Bolivia’s “indignation” at the resolution, which he claimed “failed to recognise the reality of the case and violates the principles of co-existence between states”.

Bolivia’s government claims Dwyer was part of a group planning to assassinate president Evo Morales and foment the secession of Santa Cruz from Bolivia.

Tom Hennigan

Tom Hennigan

Tom Hennigan is a contributor to The Irish Times based in South America