Career of Sean Doherty

Madam, - Fianna Fáil councillor Tiernan Brady (June 14th)works himself into a lather of indignation over the use of the word "…

Madam, - Fianna Fáil councillor Tiernan Brady (June 14th)works himself into a lather of indignation over the use of the word "venal" in your excellent Editorial on the late Seán Doherty.

He maintains that "to use terms such as venal about the public representative elected and re-elected time and time again by the people of Roscommon, Longford and Leitrim was a slur on them and should be retracted with haste".

How many FF TDs have been re-elected time and time again by their constituents, among them (to name but two) Ray Burke and Liam Lawlor? Does this re-election "time and time again" absolve them of all wrongdoing? I think not.

Keep up the good work, Madam. - Yours, etc,


DERMOT O'SHEA, Meadow Grove, Churchtown, Dublin 16.

Madam, - Is there no decency left? Your Editorial last Saturday was both insensitive and one- sided and in my view a misuse of your position as Editor. Good practice and tradition in Ireland have it that the "month's mind" is a time for the family and those affected by a bereavement. Sean Doherty's family is entitled to at least that.

I too am a recipient of wrongdoing by the misuse of power, but I will not misuse an occasion of grief to address what I believe was a cheap shot by you and others to get the boot in. Sean Doherty was a father, a husband, a brother, and most of all a human being who, like every citizen of this State, is entitled to at least respect and sensitivity at this time.

Kevin Myers recently had to apologise for his insensitivity. Who requests the same of the Editor? - Yours, etc,

TOMMY MORRIS, (Former Special Adviser, Department of the Taoiseach), Castletown Estate, Leixlip, Co Kildare.

Madam, - In his response to your Editorial on Sean Doherty Cllr Tiernan Brady invokes the adage, "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing".

I can think of no better description of his own party's attitude to corruption and misdeeds within its ranks. - Yours, etc,

CONN HOLOHAN, Errigal Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12.