Closing the gap on pay for teachers

Sir, – I note with approval your decision to devote significant editorial space to teachers' pay ("It's time to close the gap", April 6th).

It is worth remembering that the two-tier pay scale in the post-primary sector not only affects newer, younger entrants but all those working in the teaching profession since 2011, many of whom are now well into their thirties.

These teachers who are charged with educating our future generations have never wavered in delivering a high-quality service to our young citizens as we regularly feature at the very top of the OECD area in terms of educational provision.

To have done so while faced with discriminatory pay based on age, potentially unlawfully so, and while putting off major life decisions, such as buying a house or starting a family, is testament to those that enter the profession out of a sense of vocation and a love for teaching and learning.


Your editorial is unequivocal, as is the message from the three teachers unions – equal pay now.

What is undetermined is whether we get unequivocal action from the Minister and the Government. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – The unions are making a case for the reversal of pay reductions for new entrants into teaching. The obvious question is to ask why these new teachers entered the profession. They were fully aware of the new salary scales. So why are they complaining? If they were unhappy with the new salaries, why sign up to them? By the way, there are many thousands of other public service workers – nurses, gardaí, civil servants – awaiting the result of this dispute. The impact on national finances cannot be ignored. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 5.