National Anthem, Tricolour and respect

Sir, – Perhaps now that the first ever permanent exhibition of the Irish flag has opened in Dublin to commemorate its 170 anniversary, that other Irish institution, the GAA, could call a halt to the constant disrespect to the flag and the National Anthem displayed on Gaelic pitches week after week.

I am referring to the practice of players (and sometimes even officials) not standing for the full National Anthem. The correct protocol for playing the anthem and flying the flag is that everybody stands facing the flag until the last note of the anthem. I have seen hundreds of games, and the usual practice for the players is to break away from their lines at the second last line of the anthem.

I would appeal to the GAA to stop playing the anthem altogether if they can’t ensure it and the flag are accorded their due respect. It is only a matter of getting the players to stand for some seconds longer. We wouldn’t tolerate any visiting nation paying such disrespect to our national emblems, so why should we do it ourselves.

I note that an exception was seen at the finals last year when a request was made that all stand to the end of the anthem.


This should be the rule and not a rare exception.

– Yours, etc,



Co Waterford.