Spiralling cost of motor insurance

Sir, – Today I received my car insurance renewal quote, which demands yet another 25 per cent increase without one word of explanation or justification. This infuriates me, but sadly it now seems to be the norm every year.

Just what is going on with the Irish car insurance business? Our daughter, who lives in England, expresses bewilderment at our plight. Over there, premiums by and large remain static, unless a claim is made.

I have been driving for over 50 years without a single claim, yet I am now penalised every year by increases that bear absolutely no relation to inflation or any other comparison.

The time is well overdue for all Irish motorists to protest at this scandal.


I would also suggest that if this situation continues then the Government should put all road-building on hold as motorists will very soon not be able to afford to drive. – Yours, etc,


Carrigaline, Co Cork.