PFA calls for statement on Hartson's attack

The English Professional Footballers' Association last night called on West Ham to go public with any disciplinary measures meted…

The English Professional Footballers' Association last night called on West Ham to go public with any disciplinary measures meted out to John Hartson following his training-ground attack on team-mate Eyal Berkovic.

West Ham chief executive Peter Storrie has spelt out his determination to deal with the matter "internally", while manager Harry Redknapp says he is confident Israeli international Berkovic can be persuaded to stay with the club.

But after the Football Association asked to see a copy of the video, which shows Hartson delivering a vicious kick to his team-mate's head, PFA chief executive Gordon Taylor said: "This is a matter for West Ham, but I would expect for the sake of their supporters that they achieve a public reconciliation. "I know that Peter Storrie has said it is an internal matter, but the fact is it is now in the public domain with the pictures having been in one of the tabloids.

"Therefore, the club should make a public statement, especially as you do not expect to see members of the same team fighting in training."


Storrie said: "If there are any further disciplinary measures that we feel we need to take, then Harry and I will take them. But it is also possible that we will just bang their heads together and get on with the game of football."

However, the FA has also requested a copy of the video of the incident. "If the video is available, we will welcome the opportunity to look at the video with a view to writing to West Ham to seek their observations," he said.

Redknapp insists, meanwhile, that Berkovic will stay at Upton Park despite the bust-up.

"Eyal is not for sale and he is happy at the club. I just want to get the two players together and get it all sorted out," he said. "My only problem at the moment is that Eyal is away with Israel, and John is in France having treatment on an ankle injury."

Redknapp is upset that the matter has resurfaced, and blames Sky TV for the pictures of the incident which appeared in a British newspaper yesterday morning.

He said: "I am disappointed with Sky, because we let them in to take some training pictures - that is what happens when you try to do people favours. They stitch you up."