What do I need to know in order to rent out my parents’ former home?
I’m leaning towards keeping the property for my children
I’m leaning towards keeping the property for my children
Threshold voices concern about investment properties being tied up in lucrative holiday letting markets
It hard to imagine a bigger kaleidoscope of policies and measures sitting beside any property market in the world
Allowing rent resets when a home becomes vacant, along with greater opportunities for maintenance and improvements to be recouped, represents the best way to resolve issues in the rental market
‘We have to simply work on attracting private sector investment into house building at an appreciable scale that will make the difference’
Four–fifths have lower energy efficiency ratings and would cost up to €43,000 each to upgrade
Mood ahead of first Cabinet housing subcommittee more taut than might have been expected, following interventions by Taoiseach Micheál Martin
European Commission imposed standstill period on progress of Bill to regulate short-term letting while it worked to agree regulation on EU-wide level
Ministers expected on Monday to discuss creation of ‘clearing office’ with aim to clear blockages in system and co-ordinate homebuilding and servicing of zoned lands
Mark Finlay (42) says the RPZ rules are the only reason he can afford to pay his rent
Micheál Martin looks to encourage private investors to return as housebuilding and apartment completions slow down
RTB data identifies 16,000 ‘tenancies of concern’ with rent rises above 2 per cent
Government response to housing debate ‘could have been written by ChatGPT’, Labour claims
Tánaiste’s comments come after Taoiseach Micheál Martin trailed possibility of replacing RPZs
The best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk
An investor strike is forcing the Government to review rent pressure zones, but it could prove a retrograde step
Ireland’s largest estate agent calls on Government to introduce targeted measures to boost supply
Government under attack for proposals to end rent controls, amid claims electorate was ‘conned’
Q&A: The Government wants to attract more private landlords, but how will that affect rents?
New form of rent control under consideration for entire country
Shares in Ireland’s biggest private landlord rose almost 3% on Monday following Taoiseach’s comments about rent pressure zones
Micheál Martin argues that private investment needs a stable environment to increase housing numbers
‘Little chance’ of achieving plan to build 300,000 new homes by 2030
Charity says landlords are taking advantage of the rent pressure zones system
Exceptions to rent pressure zone rules can be valuable but do make sure you are staying precisely within the rules
Tenants were ordered to pay more than €4.3 million in rent arrears by RTB tribunals in the period from January to November of this year
Number of registered private tenancies increased by 8.4% to 236,198
Improving debt liquidity, the stabilisation of yields and a narrowing of the bid-ask spread will lead to more activity
I rent out a property for €1,400 a month. The open-market rent would be about €2,300
‘It was alright before my husband died. But on my own, coming into the winter, I am worried’
Current regime is proving to be punitive and discouraging for institutional investors
Residential Tenancies Board to investigate findings of study into rent pressure zones
Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) study finds the national standardised average rent paid by new tenants is now €1,612 per month and highest in Co Dublin at €2,128 per month
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