Magnesium, the master mineral that connects health, immunity, sleep and energy is now in a 100 per cent natural, pure, free ion, liquid form. This is of a purity that is used in medical devices and many highstreet skincare and cosmetic brands such as Neal's Yard Remedies, Etsa and Gosh.
Based in Co Louth, Oriel is the only company across the globe to harvest magnesium, minerals and trace elements directly from deep sea water. They are certified organic and sustainable - almost zero waste - with global patents for their harvesting process, and they are the only company to hold protected status (PDO) from the EU Commission for these products.

The past number of years have been really tough on everyone, with a real awakening of the need to look after our health. The worry factor for our loved ones has taken a toll on mental health across all levels of society. We have witnessed a seismic shift in our priorities, not least of which has been our health and the health off our families.
The master mineral
When you have a mineral that is involved in everything from immunity to sleep, energy, nervous system, RNA, DNA, skin, hair, recovery and cell regeneration, and is present in every cell in our body, you are talking about what scientists now agree is the most important mineral for our health.

Understanding how our bodies work and how everything is connected has driven Oriel, and scientists at DCU, to focus on a unique form of liquid magnesium and minerals from deep ocean waters. Six years of scientific studies and publications in medical, science and skincare journals has proven to be a journey of discovery for Oriel’s MD, Brian Fitzpatrick.
“The minerals in our diet are essential for a multitude of bodily functions. They are critical for our immunity and health, building strong bones and teeth, blood health, skin, hair, nerve function, muscle, and for processes that turn the food we eat into energy. So any deficiency can impact on our sleep, our energy, our ability to recover or manage fatigue or the menopause. But the key to results and effect is the form and bio-availability - this was what we focussed our science on,” says Fitzpatrick.
Getting to where you need it fast
Bioavailability is the ability of your body to absorb and use something efficiently and effectively. Studies in DCU on Oriel liquid magnesium have witnessed effects in days due to the delivery method, which is simply drops in water so the body does not have to break it down - you also get 100 per cent.
“We have witnessed in 24 hrs, systemic improvements to the cardiovascular system that would take six weeks under normal supplementation,” says Dr. Ronan P. Murphy PhD, FCATH (DCU).
Take it as you need it: oral or topical

Oriel is unique in that it is available as drops to take in water and as a gel with only seven ingredients. The drops in water leave no taste and with the gel there is no smell or stickiness. Oriel Magnesium Gel began life as a solution for stiff joints and muscles and evolved into Complete Formula, with applications for dry skin and absorption that gets to the cause of discomfort in minutes.
The most pure and natural source
“Farming practices, water purification, food processing and soil health have severely impacted on the nutrients necessary for normal health from our diet. Deep sea water remains one of the few remaining sources of pure nutrients. Oriel drops are high in Magnesium, but they also contain a balanced ratio of all the other minerals and Trace Elements found in deep sea water,” says Fitzpatrick.
Magnesium contributes to normal muscle function so it has a role in recovery and performance, psychological function, so aids with anxiety, stress, sleep and menopause, functioning of the nervous system and maintenance of normal bones and teeth. Correct function of the nervous system can impact on restless legs, energy and anxiety. Magnesium is necessary for energy-yielding metabolism and electrolyte balance, which are critical to recovery from sports, injury and fatigue while also having a role in the process of cell division which is the body’s ability to make healthy cells.
Building a strong immune function supported by metabolic health and cardiovascular function is what we need to stay strong, healthy and protected
Women of all ages benefit immensely from the intake of magnesium due to the natural development of our body and to other key facts such as the need for Magnesium in protein synthesis and its necessary role in absorption and metabolization of calcium, vitamin D, B6, B complex and 600 enzymatic processes. Multiple studies on tens of thousands of people across USA, EU and Asia have confirmed the critical role of magnesium but, more importantly, the fact that deficiency begins as early as 40 and tends to continue as we age.
Preventative solutions
“Our research with DCU has witnessed publications in medical journals and changes to national protocols in the UK and USA - no other product in this space has achieved this. Our focus now has moved to preventative solutions as it has become very clear that building a strong immune function supported by metabolic health and cardiovascular function is what we need to stay strong, healthy and protected,” says Fitzpatrick.