Bruton seeks to cut dole for young jobless in radical planA RADICAL plan to tackle Unemployment, including a new subsidy for employers and major tax and social welfare reform, is to be…Tue Jan 09 1996 - 00:00
Budget money is a drop in the ocean of overall financesTHE run up to the Budget has started in earnest, with speculation about how many hundred million Mr Quinn has to "give away" …Fri Jan 05 1996 - 00:00
Trend in returns bodes well for Budget tax cuts close to £200mANOTHER strong set of Exchequer figures will impress the financial markets as they show that the Government was one of Europe…Thu Jan 04 1996 - 00:00
Budget should reflect buoyant taxation trendsBUOYANT tax trends to be confirmed by today's exchequer returns for 1995, will benefit the Minister for Finance, Mr Quinn, as…Wed Jan 03 1996 - 00:00
Increase in tax revenue to ease Budget pressureEXCHEQUER figures to be published today will show a strong growth in income tax revenue which will benefit the Minister for Finance…Wed Jan 03 1996 - 00:00