David McWilliams: Inheritance makes inequality permanent and favours children of the richDavid McWilliams: Political centre must offer something to those who cherish liberal values, openness, tolerance and decencySat Mar 16 2024 - 06:00
Bitcoin’s real value is based on the greater fool theoryAnyone with a sense of financial history knows how the fever for the cryptocurrency will end. And it’s not prettySat Mar 09 2024 - 06:00
We are witnessing the death throes of RTÉ. I say this with a heavy heartSpend some time with younger people and the evidence of dopamine culture is everywhereSat Mar 02 2024 - 06:00
Is it any wonder that Ireland’s public transport is among the worst in Europe? David McWilliams: Ireland’s hyper-local political system will always impede rather than advance national developmentSat Feb 24 2024 - 06:00
Ireland needs to be more like Ryanair and less like Irish RailDavid McWilliams: Irish people in some sectors are playing at the top of their game. In other areas, we can’t even get the basics rightSat Feb 17 2024 - 06:00
Climate change is a threat. Fanaticism is a bigger oneDavid McWilliams: for years, economic historians looked at the wars of the 17th century through the lens of statehood, conquest and religious fervour. But there is a different story told by climatologistsSat Feb 10 2024 - 06:00
David McWilliams: We are only at the end of the beginning of BrexitMy Northern Irish family, some of whom work in the NHS, say things have never been so badSat Feb 03 2024 - 06:00
David McWilliams: What are the taxpayers getting for public sector pay rises?If we are paying the public sector more without increases in the quality or provision of services, what is happening?Sat Jan 27 2024 - 06:00
David McWilliams: In Dún Laoghaire, a battle for the heart and soul of the town is ongoing over carsThe south county Dublin town was built to be lived in, not to be used as a rat run into Dublin by motoristsSat Jan 20 2024 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Ireland will not have any political peace until we fix housingAccommodating a rapidly-rising population requires emergency or crisis thinking. It is easy if you have a home to be inured to the severity of this national challengeSat Jan 13 2024 - 06:00
Without one O’Connell School pupil, there would be no Hollywood - and nobody to tell America’s story David McWilliams: The Los Angeles streets paved with gold are also the famous boulevards of broken dreams. This economic battle for survival gives LA both its harshness and its excitementSat Jan 06 2024 - 06:00
AI will be of most benefit to educated countries like IrelandGutenberg’s printing press transformed the world and those who were better educated to begin with enjoyed the greatest benefits; AI’s transformative power is far greaterSat Dec 16 2023 - 06:00
Ireland is a rich country that feels poorSpend now and worry about overheating later. The stakes are too high for the economics of the 1980s to imperil our 21st century societySat Dec 09 2023 - 06:00
Ireland’s problem is not money, it is management. Let’s fix the managementLet’s talk about a new Republic, the Second RepublicSat Dec 02 2023 - 06:00
The next president of Argentina will upend all your prejudices about dull economists David McWilliams: The right has become left, and the left has become the right. Such blurring will continueSat Nov 25 2023 - 06:00
What will happen when the middle class get hit by ChatGPT? ChatGPT's inexorable rise: Typically late to the party, I tried out the AI tool for the first time this weekSat Nov 18 2023 - 06:00
What connects Sam Bankman-Fried to Dublin’s office market?WeWork’s bankruptcy, the jailing of Sam Bankman-Fried and the collapse of the NFT market are all inevitable, investor-ruining consequences of an extended period of ultra-low ratesSat Nov 11 2023 - 06:00
The Irish street is pro-Palestinian, but it is paved with American moneyIsrael-Palestine conflict has long seen both sides seeking to internationalise their local land warSat Nov 04 2023 - 06:00
Icelandic women went on strike this week. Irish women should follow suitDavid McWilliams: Irish woman still take home less pay than men and this is despite the fact that Irish women are better educated than Irish menSat Oct 28 2023 - 06:00
Why not move Dublin Port now, rather than later, while we have lots of money and a housing crisis?If you are saying, ‘Oh here he goes again with his “move the port” idea’, fair enough. But years ago I was accused of writing too frequently about a coming property crashSat Oct 21 2023 - 06:00
‘You couldn’t make it up’: David McWilliams gives his verdict on Budget 2024Housing is the biggest problem facing the State, and this Government’s budget interventions are contradictory and short-sightedSat Oct 14 2023 - 06:00
Ireland’s commercial property market is on the cusp of monumental collapseDon’t take my word for it, look at what the property insiders are saying. It’s carnage out thereSat Oct 07 2023 - 06:00
If we’re not careful, Irish cities risk becoming Detroit which was ceded to dereliction and vandalismWe know that in economics positive incentives work, and extreme positive incentives work even better. The authorities could make it impossible for owners not to renovate their derelict buildingsSat Sept 30 2023 - 06:09
The visionary city where rents are one-third of those in DublinVienna’s affordable housing success did not happen overnight. How did they pay for it all? Surprise, surprise - taxes!Sat Sept 23 2023 - 09:47
I’m pro-immigration. We need to have a conversation about housingDavid McWilliams: Failure to provide adequate housing may allow space for anti-immigration policies and parties to emergeSat Sept 16 2023 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The economic transformation of Irish rugby has been phenomenalThe IRFU generated €116m last year, while in contrast, every single Premiership club in England started this season operating at a lossSat Sept 09 2023 - 06:15
David McWilliams: Ireland’s ‘nepo-baby buyers’ are creating a two-tier housing systemDavid McWilliams: Wealth perpetuates housing inequality, as those without parental financial backing struggleSat Sept 02 2023 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Ireland needs to start thinking like a teenager, not a pensionerLocking ourselves into economic rules and targets set for an ageing Europe is inappropriate for this youthful nationSat Aug 26 2023 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Ireland’s banks are simply not lendingBanks are afraid to lend and parts of the economy are strapped for cashSat Aug 19 2023 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Irish banks are at it again, cheating savers out of their moneyOur banks are the most rapacious in Europe when it comes to lending and borrowing. The solution is obviousSat Aug 12 2023 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Ireland must spend money or risk social implosion as population growsIf they experience a falling quality of life, citizens might look for someone to blameSat Aug 05 2023 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Case for nuclear power is strongest since time of OppenheimerCillian Murphy may end up kicking off a nuclear debate, pitting Ireland’s emerging Nuclear Bros against our established Windscale WarriorsSat Jul 29 2023 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Degrowth is supposed to save the world, but it’s not that simpleDavid McWilliams: The concept sounds attractive but it is not the catch-all cure for global warmingSat Jul 22 2023 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Are you one of Ireland’s Outsiders or Insiders?David McWilliams: In a litany of projects paid for by the average citizen, cost overruns are blithely accepted and more money seems to shift from the Outsiders to the InsidersSat Jul 15 2023 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Politicians and economists differ over way forward for Irish economy - but who is right?David McWilliams: One wants to spend, the other says save. Who is right about the appropriate course of action for Ireland’s booming economy?Sat Jul 08 2023 - 05:00
David McWilliams: How Ireland became the most expensive economy in EuropeIf the Government can’t control its costs, increases spill over into the rest of the economy, driving up inflationSat Jul 01 2023 - 05:00
David McWilliams: It’s a tragedy that so many people leave school hating mathsThe recent furore over the Leaving Cert maths exam is a shame, but there is a way to instil a love of the subject in our young studentsSat Jun 24 2023 - 05:00
David McWilliams: The economies of North and South are slowly integratingAs both jurisdictions integrate further, the economic distinctions between the North and South will have almost disappeared by the time a Border poll is calledSat Jun 10 2023 - 05:00
Ireland is bogged down in a generation war between the young and the old on housingIrish land is way overpriced. It’s a scam foisted on the people by those who own land and their supportersSat Jun 03 2023 - 05:00
David McWilliams: There is no divine right to drive, let alone park your carAll progressive cities prioritise walking, cycling and street life over this regressive use of public spaceSat May 27 2023 - 05:00
David McWilliams: Can you name the capital city of continental Europe’s most dynamic economy?Poland’s economic turnaround has been impressive, and it is now poised to be at the centre of a new reconfiguration of EuropeSat May 20 2023 - 05:00
David McWilliams: Ireland’s choice is Ryanair-style growth or dull accountancyPrudence is an affliction that affects many economists who seem to believe that saving money is the way to prosperity.Sat May 13 2023 - 05:10
David McWilliams: The genesis of Ireland’s rugby renaissance came from a saving scheme ‘SSIA babies’ can make this Ireland’s rugby decadeSat May 06 2023 - 05:00
David McWilliams: Ireland’s dream economy, fuelled by artists, is thrivingThe dream economy is the commercialisation of emotions, the monetisation of feelings and identitySat Apr 29 2023 - 11:32
David McWilliams: Ireland is awash with money. Sitting on it would be a monumental wasteWhen a country or a person is poor, they live in the present but when you are rich you can live in the future, you can plan aheadSat Apr 22 2023 - 05:00
David McWilliams: Ireland could transform itself by implementing one form of soft powerDavid McWilliams: A system to bring over the young global Irish to the ‘old country’ each year would pay off in spadesSat Apr 15 2023 - 05:00
David McWilliams: There is a mismatch between what Irish people believe is happening and what is actually going onIf we feel our lives are improving, then surely the country can’t be heading for disaster. And what might this disparity mean for politics as the election race tightens?Sat Apr 08 2023 - 05:00
David McWilliams: Just imagine a new Dublin city on the sea. A 260-hectare golden opportunityDavid McWilliams: Can you imagine any other European maritime city treating the sea with the same disregard Dublin does?Sat Apr 01 2023 - 05:00
David McWilliams: Although wealthy, Ireland feels completely different from most other wealthy countriesIn economic language, Ireland appears to be stuck in a permanent state of fragile equilibriumSat Mar 25 2023 - 05:00
David McWilliams: We are heading into global financial crises. Will it be 2008 all over again?We are back in the land of the bank bailout. No two crises are quite the same but the direction of travel is similarSat Mar 18 2023 - 05:00