How to keep gardens green with water chargesThe new water charges threaten community and school gardensSat Oct 18 2014 - 01:00
Wonder wall: a vertical city gardenA ‘living wall’ in Temple Bar has plants growing out of tiny pocketsSat Oct 11 2014 - 01:00
Humans, horses and horticulture make a soothing gardenAt Bray’s Festina Lente, the fun of horseback riding is enhanced by the sheer joy of flowersSat Oct 04 2014 - 01:00
Shrub it and seeShrubs might not be the glamour-pusses of the garden but they’re stout undergarmentsSat Sept 27 2014 - 01:00
Peerless PearsGrow pears for your heirs, the saying goes. Fionnula Fallon heeds some advice on speeding up the processSat Sept 20 2014 - 01:11
The hardy boys of the gardenAutumn-sown plants have a significant headstart on spring-sown, producing larger, more vigorous and much earlier-flowering plantsSat Sept 13 2014 - 01:56
Gathering in the sea spaghettiDillisk, dulse, kelp and sea lettuce are just some of the ingredients you can harvest from the shoreSat Sept 06 2014 - 00:00
Tunnel visionDid your polytunnel get the better of you this summer? Never fear – there’s plenty of time to get it ship-shape and primed for year-round productionSat Aug 23 2014 - 01:00
Garden of tranquilityThough neglected for many years, the restored Irish National War Memorial Gardens form a poignant tribute to those whose lives it commemoratesSat Aug 16 2014 - 01:00
Gardening by the seasideWind-blown and salty – coastal gardens are challenging, so take advice from two expertsSat Aug 09 2014 - 01:00
This week in the garden …Freeze peas, deal with slugs, pick sweet pea and order seedsSat Aug 09 2014 - 00:00
Dazzling dahliasMaking their presence felt in hot pinks, red and oranges, these flowers are a brilliant addition to a summer gardenSat Aug 02 2014 - 01:00
In the garden: currant affairsFrom jam to ice-lollies and cassis, the tasty blackcurrant is truly versatile . . . and has the added benefit of health-enhancing qualitiesSat Jul 26 2014 - 01:00
The gardening guru: Robin Lane Fox doesn't give a figPart of the great appeal of Robin Lane Fox’s garden writing is the fact that he doesn’t give a fig for fashionable opinionSat Jul 19 2014 - 01:00
Making scents of your garden’s fragranceEach of the chemically unique fragrances in the garden can spark a host of emotions and memoriesSat Jul 12 2014 - 01:00
Small plot, big plans for a Dublin city gardenThe size of this city garden proved to be no impediment to the ambition of its owner, who designed it himselfSat Jul 05 2014 - 01:00
Taste of summerJuly is an excellent month in which to start sowing seed of many different salad leaves . . . and not just for the summer salad bowlSat Jun 28 2014 - 01:00
Embracing changeJimi Blake’s 20-acre Hunting Brook garden is known for its prolific planting and constantly changing landscapeSat Jun 21 2014 - 01:00
World Flower Show comes to DublinFive years in the planning, the exhibit has an impressive list of 668 competitors and will feature many rare, beautiful and exotic blooms from every corner of the globeSat Jun 14 2014 - 01:00
The lovely month of JuneGardens are abundant and full of promise of long, hot days to comeSat Jun 14 2014 - 01:00
A war on weedsWith some weeds producing thousands of seeds per plant, it’s hard work to get rid of them. Try managing them insteadSat Jun 07 2014 - 01:00
Blooming good ideasSmall, mysterious pools, rusted metal sculptures and colourful, peppery-scented lupins are the stars of this weekend’s Bloom eventSat May 31 2014 - 01:00
Bloom’s winning garden has electric car and ‘living’ wallUp to 115,000 people are expected to visit exhibitionFri May 30 2014 - 01:03
President to open Bloom garden event todayThis year’s five-day festival features 30 show gardens and 50 nurseriesThu May 29 2014 - 01:00
Chelsea show-stoppersThe annual RHS Chelsea Flower Show once again brought inspiration among its medal-winners but also pastiche disappointmentsSat May 24 2014 - 01:00
Bloom Fringe taking fun to the streetsThe annual gardening festival returns to the Phoenix Park next week, and this year the younger, edgier Bloom Fringe will take the fun to the streetsSat May 24 2014 - 01:00
Experience wins out over youth at Chelsea Flower ShowHugo Bugg (27) becomes youngest ever to take gold for contemporary raingardenTue May 20 2014 - 21:55
The 101st Chelsea flower show opens its doorsBórd na Mona sponsoring a show garden designed to raise awareness of light pollutionMon May 19 2014 - 07:33
Champion allotment-grower shows how it is doneHow is the gardener to get everything sown, planted and trained in the busy month of May?Sat May 17 2014 - 01:00
Russborough’s secret gardenThe long forgotten rhododendron corner on the 200-acre estate in Wicklow is being restored to its former glorySat May 10 2014 - 01:00
A leafy treasure troveA pint-sized garden centre sells the things gardeners really wantSat May 03 2014 - 01:00