Dear Tipperary North voter, I’m furious with you for foisting Michael Lowry on us all
This week’s episode of Lowry’s One Foot in the Gravy Train has surely finally dragged the scales from the eyes of voters who have consistently re-elected him in the 14 years since the Moriarty Tribunal
We would not invite Putin or Netanyahu to Ireland. So why invite their idiot facilitator?
It may not be pragmatic to officially disinvite Trump but he might not come if a mass of the Irish public signed a petition saying: 'We don’t want you in our country'
If men were killing beetles at the rate they’re attacking women, something would be done
They were daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts, women with histories and plans for the lives they had yet to live
Manspread for Ireland and don’t ask about Trump’s Russia trip: How Taoiseach should approach US visit
Have a fanfare sound as you unfurl some paper decorated with squiggles. Tell him it is an invitation written in ancient Ogham from the Little People inviting him to visit the land of the leprechauns
Elon Musk’s brutal rampage through the US government should be a warning to our politicians
A State that wastes the guts of €7m on an unusable computer system is rubbing salt in the wounds of citizens who have delayed starting families because of the housing crisis
Micheál Martin should go to Washington and remind Donald Trump what Ireland stands for
Merrion Street’s promised “charm offensive” will have as much traction as water on a duck’s back in the madness of the court of King Trump
Amid all of the toxic masculinity, no one mentions the toxic femininity that supports it
When the institutions of the land imply women are inferior, it’s hard not to doubt yourself
If the Government capitulates to Donald Trump, it will have the blood of children on its hands
Throughout the general election campaign, voters were assured that a future Fianna Fáil-Fine Gael government would support the existing Bill. Yet soon after Christmas, the mood music changed
Trump is a throwback to days when destitute Ireland gazed at Haughey and thought he’d make us rich
The worship of mammon and mammon-makers has brought us to the point where a rich felon purports to rule the world and carve it up to his liking
Irish politicians’ lack of urgency contrasts poorly with Trump’s up-and-at-it attitude
European leaders are bracing themselves as Trump’s return to the White House has plunged the Continent into a precarious era. Evidently, the memo has failed to reach Dáil Éireann
Michael Lowry and Elon Musk know kingmaker is more powerful than king
How can our new government claim to be an international referee of political integrity when it has shamelessly thrown away its moral compass?
We won’t realise how much we’ll miss Michael D Higgins as President until he’s gone
Michael D Higgins, a funny-sounding little poet heaving with lofty thoughts, was exactly what the doctor ordered for Ireland in 2011
If I have my way, 2025 will have no manspreaders, bagspreaders or texting pedestrians
I’m taking the Julius Caesar approach to resolutions: here are the ways I’d like the rest of you to adopt better habits
Irish Government needs to stay resolute in the face of Israel’s slanderous claims of anti-Semitism
Flinging the anti-Semitism slur around is an injustice to the many Israeli citizens who decry their government’s protracted killing spree in Gaza and the illegal settlements in the West Bank
Fianna Fáil needs to explain why it can’t talk to Sinn Féin if it will talk to Michael Lowry
If 14 years’ tribunal work by a High Court judge can be so readily air-brushed by successive governments, what’s the point of bothering?