Micheál Martin chuckling about the lack of housing was a stark reminder of Ireland’s identity crisis
We sometimes seem to be clutching Irish identity in a pinched fist. We struggle to reconcile our long history of migration with a generation locked out of Ireland over housing and growing unease about immigration
Autumn in Australia: I wonder if you ever get used to it?
I’m forever disappointing people at home with the news that Australia’s capital does have seasons
Things aren’t better in Australia than in Ireland, but they are easier
I don’t want to tell anyone that things are better here than they are at home, but they are easier
Women are overwhelmed because these are overwhelming times
You don’t need to be a feminist to take issue with the stranglehold of the wellness industry
The word ‘now’ is a weapon that Irish people wield as needed. But Australians use it differently
Like us, Australians sometimes talk in a way that is a few feet to the left or right of what they are literally saying
The voice note is anathema to the values that uphold Irishness as we know it
Yet it is a crucial component of the Irish emigrant toolkit. It’s so cheering to hear my niece tell me, scandalised, that her baby brother farted in the bath
Why won’t millennial women grow up? Because they already have
Women in their 30s and 40s showcase their average-looking, relatable lives in ordinary homes on social media
Somebody broke in and stole our Christmas gifts – but I felt a sense of gratitude
Even as we picked our mostly valueless property up, I marvelled at the fact that in Canberra, unlike in Dublin, you get storage as standard. Lots of it
Luigi Mangione’s ‘manifesto’ isn’t that different to views you would hear in the pub
The most surprising thing about it was how conventional it was, yet most people are not committing acts of violence in the name of radical politics
New Year’s in Australia: When you leave home to live abroad, you take any traditions you can feasibly translate
I don’t really know what a new year in Australia might hold. It has a vast unfamiliarity to me that country itself still does
We like the ideal of Christmas. The reality, though, is often strained, sad and weird
We like the ideal of Christmas. Of childhood, family, rest. The reality, though, is often strained, and sad, and weird
A critic of this column thinks there’s too much negativity about Ireland, not enough about Australia’s beaches
That reader should know that, even though I live 3½ hours from the coast, I am taking her concerns on board
Australia offers me a more dignified life than the one I had in Ireland. It’s not unpatriotic to say so
Like many emigrants, the reality is that I am more invested in Ireland than the country I have moved to
Australia is so very far from Europe and US, and yet is as deeply rooted in Anglosphere norms, customs and culture
If you’re having an out-of-body experience, pasta and cheese may not strictly fix it, but they certainly won’t do you any harm
Like many two-year-olds, my nephew hates socks and loves blueberries. He’s also unlike other little boys
Tom is not the problem. It’s the rest of us