Our best and worst concert moviesSMALL PRINT: NEXT TUESDAY, the most anticipated concert film of recent times, LCD Soundsystem’s Shut Up And Play The Hits (below…Mon Aug 27 2012 - 01:00
Security tight as Marlay show goes off without hitchWith the Swedish House Mafia trouble in mind, police and promoter were out in force for the Example/Guetta concertSat Aug 25 2012 - 01:00
Give me a crash course in . . . Electric PicnicHello, I live under a rock. HelloSat Aug 25 2012 - 01:00
Where have our best and brightest gone? To the MGM, of courseWith their monthly night out, Níal Conlan and Shane Langan are out to prove there are some smart, talented people left in Ireland…Mon Aug 20 2012 - 01:00
Give me a crash course in . . . SaorviewEh, if this is about the TV licence, I had one and then you know, with that storm during the week and everything, the wind just…Sat Aug 18 2012 - 01:00
24 hours in . . .An GhaeltachtThe modern-day Gaeltacht is a far cry from horror stories of bad food, tales of lonely students and fear of a language taught…Thu Aug 16 2012 - 01:00
'Poor Jen' gets a ring on itSMALL PRINT: WHEN THE tabloids’ own real-life Bridget Jones, Jennifer Aniston, got engaged to Justin Theroux at the weekend, …Tue Aug 14 2012 - 01:00
'When I go to the cinema I love escapism'POP LIVES: Róise Goan, director of Dublin’s Absolut Fringe festivalThu Aug 02 2012 - 01:00
Pay to play: how to lose friends and alienate peopleThe company behind FarmVille and Mafia Wars used to be valued at $1 billion, but profits are down and game players are moving…Sat Jul 28 2012 - 01:00
You don't have to be crazy to do thisAS THE MIST gathered around a platform 27 metres above a section of Grimstad’s island-dotted coast in southern Norway, the extremity…Tue Jul 17 2012 - 01:00
Land of saints and scholars: Beckett? 'Don't know him.' Riverdance? 'Oh yes!'Karin Gellen and Annie Sieger GERMANYTue Jul 10 2012 - 01:00
Plenty going upstairs: a hub of experimentationTWO YEARS AGO Theatre Upstairs at the Plough in Dublin closed its doors abruptlyMon Jul 09 2012 - 01:00
Can Adam Buxton bring ordinary Joes from the web to the small screen?IT’S HARD TO put the internet on a TV or cinema screenSat Jul 07 2012 - 01:00
'I don't watch any TV ever unless it's on demand'POP LIVES: Annie Mac, the BBC Radio 1 DJ, on her favourite YouTube videos, essential reading and an unforgettable Croatian island…Thu Jul 05 2012 - 01:00
Bridal inspirationGiven that wedding planning is only marginally less stressful than single-handedly organising the Olympics, brides and grooms…Sat Jun 30 2012 - 01:00
Emigrants' competition: Why you love where you liveSMALL PRINTS: Last Monday, The Irish Times named Westport as The Best Place to Live in IrelandFri Jun 29 2012 - 01:00
Where are all our statuesque women?SMALL PRINTS: “Without using Google, I think most Dubliners would be hard pressed to name half a dozen female statuesFri Jun 29 2012 - 01:00
Up and down the property ladderA generation of people now have very different views from their parents about propertySat Jun 23 2012 - 01:00
In the thick of the comedy writingArmando Iannucci is firing on all cylinders, with ‘Veep’ going down a storm in the US, and new series of ‘The Thick of It’ and…Thu Jun 21 2012 - 01:00
Live sound that's hot off the deskSMALL PRINT: “I’M REALLY excited about where we’re going to go with this because I feel we’re only scratching the surface... …Wed Jun 20 2012 - 01:00
Competition The great James Joyce cover-upTo mark Bloomsday, and to be in with a chance of winning €250, we’d like you to design a cover for ‘Ulysses’, and here are some…Fri Jun 08 2012 - 01:00
'Drop Everything was the gig of a lifetime'POP LIVES: KATHY SCOTT: What are you reading? I am juggling a few books right now, Proust Was a Neuroscientist by Jonah Lehrer…Thu May 31 2012 - 01:00
Small PrintWhy it' s proving good to talk CHATTER AS a structured social activity was previously the preserve of summer schools and occasional…Tue May 29 2012 - 01:00
Beyond Katie: sport's invisible womenThe boxer Katie Taylor has become a national treasure, but women’s sports are struggling in IrelandSat May 26 2012 - 01:00
Choo-choo choonsSMALL PRINT: SICK OF THE incessant announcements on trains about the next stop, what is or isn’t available in the dining car…Fri May 25 2012 - 01:00
notTilda gets all a-TwitterSMALL PRINT: THERE COMES A point with celebrity where the parody is better than the real thingFri May 25 2012 - 01:00
Scenes from life on the Factory floorThree years ago, directors Kirsten Sheridan and John Carney decided to create a collective space for film-makersThu May 17 2012 - 01:00
Cometh the hour, cometh The Minutes‘WE’RE THE MINUTES. Don’t forget it. If you forget it, I’ll go round to all your houses and make you not forget itMon May 14 2012 - 01:00
My Best Friend Drowned in a Swimming PoolThe Cube, Project Arts Centre, DublinFri May 11 2012 - 01:00
In the teeth of a recession, ye olde sweet shop bites backSweet shops have made a big comeback, offering milky teeth, gobstoppers, lemon sherbets and bonbons as sugar-coated comfort in…Sat Apr 28 2012 - 01:00
Hair today, God tomorrowRADIO REVIEW: ‘A MIXTURE OF SADNESS... and I’m slightly appalled.”Sat Apr 21 2012 - 01:00
Instagram: picture perfect or photo fad?Apps such as Instagram have replaced the old-fashioned photograph album and are also changing what it is we choose to record …Sat Apr 14 2012 - 01:00
The best TV newsrooms everSMALL PRINT: THIS WEEK, details of The West Wing writer Aaron Sorkin’s new HBO programme The Newsroom was released, with a trailer…Fri Apr 06 2012 - 01:00
Oases on the driest day of the yearSMALL PRINT: GOING ON A hunt for alcohol on Good Friday has become something of a tradition, more for the sport of it in the…Fri Apr 06 2012 - 01:00
Tapping into a cash crowd for project financeIn its first year in operation, crowd-sourcing site Fund It has helped numerous projects, from a Julie Feeney album to Enda Walsh…Tue Apr 03 2012 - 01:00
Dining faoi thalamhSMALL PRINT: YOU CAN keep your al fresco dining or pop-up restaurantsTue Mar 20 2012 - 00:00
Alternative Ireland: Gay Christmas takes its final bowST PATRICK’S Day may have united the country on Saturday, but last night there was only one show in town – the Alternative Miss…Mon Mar 19 2012 - 00:00
Kony campaign could be a game changerSMALL PRINT: TWITTER CONSTANTLY gets clogged with events, topics and hashtags, from a particularly important sporting event …Fri Mar 09 2012 - 00:00
Pop goes the parkSMALL PRINT: POP-UP SHOPS and restaurants have become part of Ireland’s urban landscape, but now a collective is taking the …Fri Mar 09 2012 - 00:00
A duet of bodies and dancing soulsWHEN JOHN SCOTT talks, a collage of thought, anecdotes, stories, lessons and references tumbles through his speechThu Mar 01 2012 - 00:00
Dublin's Russian revolutionESTIMATES VARY on how many Russians live in Ireland, but it’s definitely enough to sustain the vibrant Dublin City Festival of…Tue Feb 21 2012 - 00:00
Ash Wednesday: on your head be itSMALL PRINT: ON THE FIRST DAY of Lent, having ash on one’s forehead used to be common in IrelandMon Feb 20 2012 - 00:00