Aviation entrepreneur Ulick McEvaddy has predicted that his €2.2 billion concept plan to develop a third passenger terminal at Dublin Airport on neighbouring lands that he and others own will be built but possibly not in his lifetime.
Speaking to Inside Business, a podcast from The Irish Times, hosted by Ciarán Hancock, Mr McEvaddy said: “It will happen but whether it happens in my lifetime or under my stewardship is another matter but it has to happen for Ireland. It’s not a question of ‘if’, it’s a question of ‘when’.
The finalists of the 2024 edition of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year (EoY) awards have been announced, representing 24 companies that will compete throughout the 10-month-long programme. This year’s shortlist includes entrepreneurs from across the island from a diverse range of industries including pharmaceuticals, energy and consumer goods. Taken together, the group of finalists generates revenues above €700 million each year, EY said, employing more than 4,000 people. Ian Curran has the details.
The Chinese-owned former parent company of Genuity Science Ireland, WuXi, is the focus of significant security concerns in the US, according to the New York Times, writes Karlin Lillington in her weekly column. The piece revives unanswered questions about WuXi’s operations in Ireland, the future of genomic research here and the concern that Ireland naively and unwittingly provides a sleepy back door for international companies considered possible security threats.
I’m in my 70s and have €500,000 in savings. If I need to go into a nursing home, what happens if I run out of money?
Microsoft emphasises commitment to Ireland, which can ‘count on us’
Cost of our climate inaction laid bare in new report
Ireland faces EU bill of up to €26bn if it misses climate targets

A third terminal at Dublin Airport - urgent necessity or pie in the sky?
Cantillon hears it has been a poor year for dairy as falling prices have hit earnings but the proposed EU nitrate limit is the main industry worry. Our resident sage also says that Colin Hunt and his colleagues in AIB’s executive suite will be paying close attention to Padraic Kissane’s latest campaign
Smartphones are a great window on to the world, but they can also show up some aspects of society we would rather our children did not have to encounter just yet. So how can we try to protect them from the worst the world has to offer? The best place to start is with the built-in controls that apps and platforms have already put in place. Ciara O’Brien looks at your options.
Research scientist Prof Steve Kerrigan and pharma entrepreneur, Dr Ivan Coulter, are the co-founders of Inthelia Therapeutics, a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company set to create a paradigm shift in the treatment of life-threatening sepsis, writes Olive Keogh. Sepsis is a potentially fatal illness caused by a pathogen entering the bloodstream. Once it takes hold it begins attacking the lining of the blood vessels. If a patient’s immune system can’t muster a robust counterattack, the pathogen wins.
There was a time when the idea of an instant camera was a quaint throwback. An oddity, a nostalgia trip, that people were reluctant to let go of. When Polaroid, the biggest name in instant photography, filed for bankruptcy in 2001, there was a campaign to save the instant film products. Fast-forward more than two decades and not only has instant photography survived, Fujifilm has made a whole business out of it. The Instax camera range seems to keep growing, with the latest, the Instanx Mini 99, having hit the market in recent weeks. Ciara O’Brien takes it for a test drive.
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