Spotting a gap in the market for nutritional quick meals

AIB Start-up Academy finalist: The Cool Bean Company

Sarah O’Connor and Isolde Johnson of The Cool Bean Company

Isolde Johnson and Sarah O'Connor first met working in EY Entrepreneur of the Year. Isolde had studied business and politics in college while Sarah came from a commerce background. Moving on to other projects the pair met again working as volunteers at Change Nation.

Finding that they were working long hours they became concerned that they weren’t able to look after their health with good convenient nutrition. Spotting there was a gap in the market for nutritional quick meals, the seeds of Cool Beans were sown.

“If you look at our ingredients they are all things that you would find in your own cupboard at home. No additives, no preservatives, gluten free, dairy free, it’s diabetic friendly as well. We don’t use refined sugar, we use a little bit of honey.”

Two years ago they were accepted on the Food Academy programme. Isolde gave up her job to commit herself full time to the business and Sarah stayed working to supplement their income, she has since joined the company full time.


The Food Academy led to Cool Beans being stocked in SuperValu stores, Isolde recalls this being one of their highlights of their journey so far. They are now in Waitrose stores in the UK as well.

Reflecting on the Cool Beans experience so far the duo have been delighted with the support of other entrepreneurs.

“We’ve had unbelievable support from other entrepreneurs, and help we have received is absolutely phenomenal. Since we’ve been in the UK the Irish community in the UK have been unbelievably helpful. For any up and coming entrepreneurs our advice is ask for help, we asked for help and boy was it delivered”