TODAY Results: Scottish Investment Trust. Indicators: German industrial production (October); Japanese gross domestic product growth rate (Q3). TOMORROW Results: ModusLink Global Solutions. Meetings: Aryzta AGM (Kongresshaus Zurich, Zurich). Indicators: Euro zone Sentix Investors Sentiment (December); Euro zone gross domestic product growth rate (Q2); UK industrial production (October). WEDNESDAY Results: Ashtead Group. Meetings: Falcon Oil & Gas AGM ( Conrad Hotel, Dublin). Indicators: Chinese inflation rate (November); US MBA mortgage applications (December 4th). THURSDAY Results: Abbey; Adobe Systems. Indicators: Irish inflation rate (November); UK Halifax house price index (November); US initial jobless claims (December 5th). Other: Bank of England interest rate decision. FRIDAY Meetings: Cork Chamber Christmas lunch (Vienna Woods Hotel, Glanmire); Business owners network (Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Clare Street, Dublin 2). Indicators: German inflation rate (November); Irish balance of trade (October); US retail sales (November). Other: Bellway interim management statement.
For your diary
A round up of business events happening this week