Gender pay gap in marketing narrows but disparities still exist - survey

Men still get bigger salary increases and bonuses than women in fluid market

Demand for marketing professionals has started to outstrip supply, a survey suggests. Photograph: iStock

The gender pay gap in the marketing, digital and data sectors has narrowed but disparities still exist, a survey suggests.

The 2017 salary and market insights survey by specialist recruitment firm Alternatives Group and the Marketing Institute of Ireland suggests that the gender pay gap has narrowed considerably at director level.

Last year, a pay differential of 18 per cent was recorded, whereas this year the gap had dropped to 3 per cent.

However, disparities exist in a number of areas related to pay, with men getting higher salary increases and bonuses than their female counterparts.


Aside from gender related issues, the survey suggests that salaries are on the rise, with 61 per cent of respondents receiving a pay increase this year.

Meanwhile, as the economy edges toward full employment, demand for workers is at the early stages of outstripping supply which paves the way for considerable employee movement. From manager level down to mid-career workers, a majority plan to move jobs within the next two years.

The gig economy, too, appears to be seen as more attractive, with 35 per cent of respondents to this survey saying they have freelanced or worked on contract previously.

"The survey reflects the fact that, for many businesses it's role reversal time. In the battle to recruit and retain talent they are now the ones selling themselves hard to current and potential employees because talent demand outstrips supply in many sectors," said Charley Stoney, managing director of Alternatives Group.

Peter Hamilton

Peter Hamilton

Peter Hamilton is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in business