Carr Communications to lead mortgage arrears information campaign

Department of Finance engage PR firm to ensure those in arrears fully aware of supports

Support strategy: Carr’s role is to develop and implement a “comprehensive communications strategy” around the supports available to borrowers in arrears. Photograph: Thinkstock

Public relations group Carr Communications has been appointed by the Department of Finance to manage an information campaign to help people in mortgage arrears, The Irish Times has learned.

This follows a Government decision on May 13th to initiate a campaign to ensure that those in arrears are fully informed about the supports available to them and how they can be accessed.

Carr’s role is to develop and implement a “comprehensive communications strategy” around the supports available to borrowers in arrears, both through initiatives funded by Government and by other sources.

According to the tender document issued in July, a budget of €300,000 has been set aside for the campaign with the contract running for nine months.


Carr’s task involves co-ordinating communications across a number of departments, including Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, Social Protection, Environment, Community and Local Government, and Justice and Equality.

The scope also includes agencies such as the Insolvency Service of Ireland, the Money Advice and Budgeting Service and the Housing Agency. Engagement between lenders and customers has resulted in about 100,000 restructures by banks. This campaign is aimed at those who have not engaged with their lenders.

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times