Fingers’ legal woes mount up

Michael Fingleton: legal worries

Things still aren't looking up for Michael Fingleton, the former chief executive of Irish Nationwide, the bust building society that married Anglo Irish Bank only to spawn IBRC.

AIB has launched High Court debt proceedings against Fingers and his old pal Francis O'Brien, the former Fianna Fáil senator who was jailed for extortion last month.

In a separate case, Fingers and Francie, along with the two other developers, were hit with a €13 million judgment in 2010 by Ulster Bank. Fingleton was defended in that action by Dublin solicitor Alfred Thornton.

In yet another headache for Fingleton, Thornton has also filed debt proceedings against him in recent weeks. It never rains but it pours.


Fingers has yet to file a defence in either case, although both Thornton and AIB are seeking summary judgment against him.