ODCE appeal against failure to disqualify former NIB executive withdrawn

Director of Corporate Enforcement tells Supreme Court that Dermott Boner case was settled

The Director of Corporate Enforcement has withdrawn his appeal against the High Court’s refusal to make a disqualification order

The Director of Corporate Enforcement has withdrawn his appeal against the High Court's refusal to make a disqualification order against a former senior manager with National Irish Bank (NIB).

Dermott Boner, Chesterfield Avenue, Castleknock, Dublin, was the bank’s chief manager of retail during the early to mid-1990s.

He was among several former NIB managers against whom disqualification orders were sought arising from the investigation into the 1990s tax evasion scandal in the bank.

In 2008, Mr Justice Roderick Murphy ruled Mr Boner's conduct did not justify the court making an order to disqualify him under section 160 of the Companies Act from involvement in the affairs of any company.


It seemed, “on balance”, Mr Boner had attempted to address problems within the bank such as the improper charging of fees, the judge ruled.

When the director's appeal against that ruling was mentioned at the Supreme Court yesterday, John McCarroll, for the director, told the Chief Justice, Ms Justice Susan Denham, the matter had been settled following talks between the sides.

He said the appeal was to be withdrawn and the costs orders made in the High Court were accordingly to be vacated.

In 2011, former NIB chief executive Jim Lacey was disqualified from involvement in the management of any company for nine years on grounds of unfitness arising from his conduct as CEO and director of NIB between 1988 and 1994.

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan is the Legal Affairs Correspondent of the Irish Times