Have your say: What do you think of the Government’s working from home plan?

Employees will have a legal right to request remote working under proposed legislation

After restrictions are lifted how do you see yourself working? Photograph: iStock

People will have a legal right to seek to work from home under Government plans being announced on Friday, as part of a new strategy on remote working. The Irish Times would like to hear from employees and employers about their experiences of working from home (both before and during the pandemic), and their views on the proposals.

Employees: Have you enjoyed working from home? What challenges have you experienced? After restrictions are lifted how do you see yourself working? Would you request to work from home, part-time, every day or a combination of both? Or are you keen to get back to the office? And do you think your employer will support your request?

Employers: What challenges have you faced enabling employees to work from home? Have there been benefits and/or drawbacks? Do you intend to provide more flexible working arrangements for staff after restrictions are lifted?

You can share your experiences and views using this form.


Please attach a photograph of you (and/or a photograph linked to your business) if you have one, and website/phone details if you are continuing to trade online.

If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate this with your submission (though using your name is preferable).

If you are an employer, don’t forget to tell us a little about the business too, including how many staff you employ.

A selection of responses will be published in The Irish Times.

If you are reading this on The Irish Times app, click here to access the form.

Thank you.