INM plans to outsource newspaper production to PA

Independent News & Media seeking 14 layoffs although staff fear close to double that will lose their jobs

Stephen Rae, editor-in-chief of INM, said that while production will be outsourced to PA, the process will continue to be “be managed by our editorial team at Talbot Street in Dublin”
Stephen Rae, editor-in-chief of INM, said that while production will be outsourced to PA, the process will continue to be “be managed by our editorial team at Talbot Street in Dublin”

Independent News & Media (INM), publisher of titles such as the Irish Independent, is to outsource some production and subediting functions of its newspapers to the international media group, the Press Association (PA), and is seeking 14 redundancies. The final number of jobs lost is expected to be higher, when contract roles are included.

INM said today it intends to “outsource the Dublin editorial production services to PA”, which it later clarified includes its copy editing function. It will also outsource some production roles, which it described as “quality control and archive” positions, to Belfast-based company, RE&D.

Stephen Rae, editor-in-chief of INM, said that while production will be outsourced, the process will continue to be "be managed by our editorial team at Talbot Street in Dublin".

“We will continue to invest in good writing and content in our newspapers and online,” he said.


Robert Pitt, INM's chief executive, said "businesses need to adapt and innovate to survive and working with PA will allow us to maximise synergies and efficiencies".

INM previously outsourced subediting – the correction of writing style and cutting of articles to size – to RE&D in 2007, but some of those roles later returned in-house.

The group, the largest newspaper publisher in Ireland whose main shareholder is Denis O'Brien, has notified staff of its intention to seek redundancies.

The company says it is seeking 14 job losses, although rumours swirled among staff that the final number could be almost double that figure, including contractors. INM said six contract roles expire before the year end.

The employees made redundant will not transfer to PA, it is understood.

Mark Paul

Mark Paul

Mark Paul is London Correspondent for The Irish Times