RTÉ puts online retail to tender

Online shop contains a catalogue of DVDs such as recent RTÉ dramas Charlie and Clean Break and Love/Hate

Love/Hate: one of RTÉ’s biggest DVD hits
Love/Hate: one of RTÉ’s biggest DVD hits

RTÉ has put its e-commerce platform and its merchandise delivery activities out to tender. The broadcaster is "seeking companies that can provide the physical sale, distribution and delivery of merchandise products to retail and run an e-commerce merchandise platform akin to rte.ie/shop", according to the tender notice on the public etenders website.

RTÉ currently runs its own online shop, with the transactional elements handled by Buy4Now. It contains a catalogue of DVDs such as recent RTÉ dramas Charlie and Clean Break, as well as one of its biggest DVD hits, Love/Hate.

Items on sale with a discount include The Official OMG – It's Jedward!, reduced from €19.99 to €1.99, and a three- DVD set of Ireland's Grand Slam Glory, on sale for €7.99, down from €24.99.

The shop also sells books, CDs and memorabilia from Eurovision 2015.


Last year, RTÉ stepped up its merchandising activity around its most-watched programme, The Late Late Toy Show, producing a range of pyjamas and Christmas jumpers that were sold in Penneys stores.

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery is an Irish Times journalist writing about media, advertising and other business topics