Nama seek developer for Poolbeg site, selling problem loans and the glass ceiling

Business Today: the best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk

Bobby Coote and his quest to fly.
Bobby Coote and his quest to fly.

The National Asset Management Agency (Nama) is to begin a search for property developers with which to partner in the development of the former Irish Glass Bottle site in Poolbeg, Dublin, which has the potential to deliver 3,500 homes, according to sources. Joe Brennan has the details.

More than 40,000 paper applications will soon no longer be necessary as the Courts Service moves the filing of documents for pub, hotel and restaurant licensing online, writes Peter Hamilton

Banks in the Republic have been the second-most active sellers of problem loans so far this year, behind Italy according to US investment bank Evercore. Joe Brennan reports.

Lara Slattery tells us how the finance was raised for the documentary The Man Who Wanted to Fly about Cavan octogenarian Bobby Coote's quest to take off.


Pilita Clark wonders why is it that if women are so great why aren't they running everything?

Chris Johns asks if we are falling out of love with being home owners?

Catch up with all our EY Entreprenuer of the Year finalists here.

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Conn Ó Midheach

Conn Ó Midheach

Conn O Midheach is Assistant Business Editor - Digital of The Irish Times