Debenhams restructuring to save up to 1,330 jobs

High Court approves scheme that allows company’s 11 Irish stores to continue trading

Some 83 per cent of the Debenhams’ workforce across the 11 stores nationwide had voted in favour of cost-saving proposals, the court heard. Photograph: Eric Luke

The High Court has approved a restructuring for the company operating Debenhams 11 Irish stores to continue trading, saving up to 1,330 jobs.

The plan will enable Debenhams Retail (Ireland) Limited, a subsidiary of the UK Debenhams, to exit examinership.

Under the terms of the plan, the retailer’s 11 stores are to remain open and the vast majority of the company’s 1,400 directly employed staff, some 500 concession staff and 300 cosmetic staff are to be retained.

There will be some 98 voluntary redundancies, but no compulsory job losses. The company operates four stores in Dublin, two in Cork, and others in Galway, Limerick, Newbridge, Tralee and Waterford.


The scheme, put together by the retailer's examiner, Kieran Wallace of KPMG, and agreed by the majority of Debenhams' creditors, was formally approved by Ms Justice Caroline Costello at the High Court on Friday.

Last May, Debenhams Retail (Ireland) Ltd (Dril) sought examinership because of consistent losses sustained since the recession in 2007, high rents, and after the withdrawal of support of its UK parent company, Debenhams Retail plc. The company said it owed its parent €46 million, which Dril said was unsustainable.

It is understood that Debenham’s parent company has effectively written off €29 million as part of this rescue package for the business in Ireland.

Unsecured creditors will receive 5 per cent of what they are owed, with preferential creditors, including the Revenue Commissioners, being paid in full.


The only objection to the scheme in court was brought on behalf of a woman who had brought a personal injuries claim against Debenhams. Under the terms of the scheme she would get 5 per cent of any payment due.

Seeking the approval of the scheme, barrister Neil Steen for Mr Wallace said the scheme had been approved by the vast majority of creditors and classes of creditors. Only one class of creditors had rejected the scheme, counsel said.

Counsel said that the company had under the scheme secured significant cost savings that would allow it to continue to trade. The examiner reached arrangements concerning rent agreements Debenhams had with landlords of seven of its stores.

In addition counsel said proposals put to the employees unions Mandate and Siptu had been accepted. Some 83 per cent of the workforce had voted in favour of cost-saving proposals, counsel said.

It had also been agreed that there would for a period be a reduction in the price charged on goods sold to Debenhams’ Irish companies from interconnected firms.

Supporting the application to approve the scheme, barrister for Dril Rossa Fanning said the company had not entered the examinership process lightly. It did so after incurring losses of €22.6 million in the last three years.

Ms Justice Costello in approving the scheme noted that under the scheme that a number of cost-saving measures had been agreed that would allow the company to continue to trade as a going concern.

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times