Gavin James’s firm in profit to the tune of €113,104

Return to profit coincided with release of singer’s album which topped Irish charts

Gavin James performing at a pilot festival event at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham in July. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

The entertainment firm owned by Irish singer-songwriter Gavin James last year recorded profits of €113,104.

New accounts for Gavin James Ltd showed that the company returned to profit despite the Covid-19 pandemic shutting down the live music industry for most of 2020.

At the end of December last year, the company was sitting on accumulated profits of €237,209.

The post-tax profit of €113,104 last year followed a post-tax loss of €59,690 in 2019 – a positive swing of €172,794.


The company’s revenues are not disclosed in the abridged accounts filed to the Companies Office.

The return to profit coincided with the release of the Dubliner's Boxes album last year which topped the charts in Ireland.

During the year, the cash pile at the company increased from €55,755 to €251,028. According to the performer’s website, James is due to play three gigs in Switzerland in late October.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times