We're all agog with space news these past few weeks and rightly so. Humankind has inched farther into the great beyond by sending little Philae 510 million miles from home to explore the alien surface of a comet. They say a picture paints a thousand words and in the case of 67P this is very true. The European Space Agency has several hundred images including the most recent from the Rosetta mission, but also many of cargo spacecraft like ATV-5 docking at the International Space Station, gorgeous shots of earth and some eery, green lit interior shots of the station at night taken by astronaut Alexander Gerst during his six-month Blue Dot mission. There's so much to see beyind the ionosphere that you owe it to yourself to visit this gallery. http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images
2014: A Space Gallery (from the ESA)
European Space Agency has several hundred images including the most recent from the Rosetta mission