Athenry gets ready to march in support of Apple

Locals attempt to reassure company in face of legal objections to €850m data centre

Some locals fear Apple may lose patience and pull the plug. Photograph: Bode Marks/EPA

Apple will on Monday launch its attempt to speed up a High Court bid by three objectors to block or delay its proposed €850 million data centre near Athenry in Co Galway.

Local residents and business owners will not be represented at the court hearing. Many of them will have their say in public tomorrow, however, with a planned march through the centre of the town in support of Apple.

The two local and one not-so-local objectors are trying to block Apple’s planning permission on environmental grounds, as the law permits them to do. Many residents of Athenry, however, are desperate for the jobs and investment. They also understandably covet the prestige that comes with a project funded by the world’s most famous company in their struggling town.

Locals will congregate shortly before midday in the church car park on Sunday, marching into the town centre. The Athenry for Apple support group insists that most of the town is behind the project. If the group is correct, then there will surely be a large turnout.


No matter how many show up, the march will have no influence over the High Court, as it assesses whether to subject the Apple project to a full judicial review. A large turnout would, however, send a clear message to Apple that the town remains largely behind the company’s plan.

Some locals fear Apple may lose patience and pull the plug. At this stage, this seems unlikely, as the company appears to be fully prepared for a six month delay, provided it can get the matter moved to the fast-track Commercial Court.

Feelings are running high in the town, and local politicians including Fine Gael TD Ciaran Cannon have tried to calm things, while maintaining suppport for Apple.

The objectors are fully entitled to utilise all legal avenues available.

The dispute, however proper, draws attention to the frequent difficulties and delays many companies experience getting large infrastructural projects over the line in Ireland. If Apple is vanquished, it will be a source of major embarrassment for the Government, and for Athenry.