Butchers and farmers around the world would probably have rolled their eyes if news of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's 2011 new year resolution had reached them. Remember when he vowed to eat meat only if he slaughtered his own animals? Yes, "pretentious tech hipster" comes to mind (although he did kill a goat and a pig). This year, though, he has crowdsourced his resolutions and the outcome is a global Facebook page-cum-bookclub that has already received over 135,000 likes. The club's aim is to choose books that "emphasise learning about new cultures, beliefs, histories and technologies". The first pick, The End of Power, by influential journalist-turned-author Moisés Naím, has already sold out on Amazon. com. Should Oprah be worried? See facebook.com/pages/ A-Year-of-Books
Facebook founder takes up Oprah’s bookclub baton
Mark Zuckerberg crowdsources new year resolution idea before setting up online club