WEB LOG:Mozilla is branching out from its web browser to a mobile operating system.
Web services and manufacturers have already jumped on board, which is good news for fans of the browser that, after all, introduced us to tabbed internet browsing.
Twitter has just announced plans to create a special Firefox OS app and that can only mean plenty more web platforms will

follow suit. Those looking to break free from Apple or Android have found another contender.
[ iti.ms/ZGjjkgOpens in new window ]
The Worst Oscar speeches
Sometimes watching an Oscar acceptance speech is a glorious uplifting moment worthy of being captured on film forever. Then there are the ones that send you diving under the couch in empathetic shame and humiliation. These cringe-inducing ones are the stuff of epic schadenfreude.
Who cares about the fact that they won an Oscar; they did the celeb equivalent of turning up to school in your PJs! Watch ’em and weep. Infinitely better than watching Jennifer Lawrence fall over (above).
[ iti.ms/127Zhk1Opens in new window ]
Science Hack Day
Science Hack Day is a fun, grassroots initiative to bring together designers, developers, scientists and artists to hack and build cool stuff. It is happening on Saturday and Sunday in Dublin City University.
Anyone can join in. There’s a “Build Your Own Body” project, which involves creating body bits from electronics, sensors, fabric, knitting or whatever comes to mind. You can add your own original ideas or help out with existing projects like the one just mentioned.