Google to receive special recognition award from IDA Ireland

Company to be officially recognised for the contribution it has made over past 18 years

Google chief executive Sundar Pichai

Google, which employs 8,000 people in the Republic, is to be officially recognised for the contribution the company has made over the past 18 years with an award from IDA Ireland.

The company has been selected as the second recipient of the State agency's special recognition award. Chief executive Sundar Pichai will be presented with the award at an event in the US in September by Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise Leo Varadkar and IDA Ireland chief executive Martin Shanahan.

The award highlights the contribution multinationals have made to Ireland over the years.

The inaugural award was presented to Apple and accepted by its chief executive, Tim Cook, at a special event held at the National Concert Hall in Dublin early last year.


Commenting on the decision to give the award to Google, Mr Varadkar said the company was not only one of the biggest employers in the Republic but that its presence here had helped make Ireland the tech capital of Europe.

“IDA very much looks forward to presenting the award to Sundar Pichai and to acknowledge the contribution that Google has made to the development of Ireland as a recognised and thriving tech hub in Europe,” added Mr Shanahan.

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor is a former Irish Times business journalist