Help science by snapping pics of roadkill

Citizen science - or scientific research using contributions by members of the public - has become increasingly popular in recent years as mobile apps have made it more convenient to get people to take part in collecting data for research purposes. As the Pokemon Go craze subsides somewhat perhaps it’s time to collect something a little more real: roadkill!

The Roadkill app was developed by the University of Life Science in Vienna with the express purpose of creating an extensive Europe-wide database of roadkill sightings in order to identify hotspots and report these to local authorities. While snapping pics of flattened badgers and adding them to a map seems morbid, in the long run the idea is to help lessen the number of car-crushed critters. Although this is primarily based in Austria, use of the app is spreading to Germany, the Netherlands and beyond.

The next time you spot some roadkill whip out the app, add in a picture and some details of the classification along with your mode of transport and how often you travel past that spot. It’s all in the name of science.