Not up to the standards of other Lego games, but still better than most movie tie-ins, Lego The Hobbit (strangely) takes inspiration from only the first two films in the Hobbit trilogy. It's a cute, funny, user-friendly third-person action/puzzle/construction game peppered by gentle humour. This is one of the more conventional Lego titles: It lacks the anarchy of Lego Marvel Superheroes or the zaniness of the Lego Movie Videogame. But the fundamentals remain; the puzzles are pitched well (and there are hints available) and the local multiplayer is fun and cooperative. As always, each playable character brings different skills and specialties. It's collaborative in more ways than one; you can take turns solving problems, or "buddy up" and attack enemies or obstacles as a team. Lego The Hobbit is a decent adaptation of the source material - both comprehensive and affectionately mocking, recommended to Tolkien completists and younger hobbits.
Lego The Hobbit
Brick building meets Tolkien in this fun, if not very spectacular, film tie-in