Moleskine calendar app is stylish and smart

Weblog: Journal maker’s Timepage syncs with Google, Exchange and iCal schedules

Moleskine’s Timepage for iPad reminds you to break out the umbrella or sunglasses while providing interactive daily and weekly weather forecasts.
Moleskine’s Timepage for iPad reminds you to break out the umbrella or sunglasses while providing interactive daily and weekly weather forecasts.

Dump your other calendar apps and splash out on Timepage for iPad (€4.99). This stylish app combines your weekly schedule with up-to-date weather information and a smart feature that reminds you to break out the umbrella or sunglasses for your work journey while providing interactive daily and weekly weather forecasts. As you would expect from journal makers Moleskine, it has a beautiful-looking interface and has brains to boot: receive notifications to follow up with people listed within an event you attended and get a daily briefing each morning to help you keep on top of things.

The most practical features are the best: Timepage syncs with existing Google, Exchange and iCal schedules while integrating Google and Apple maps as well as providing in-app transit times for walking, driving, public transport and, with a bit of tongue in cheek, by rocket. It is also available for iPhone and Apple Watch.