Openmind Networks expands in Ukraine

Deal with mobile operator Life will use Irish telco’s service to deliver A2P messages to subscribers

Alex Duncan: “In general, our customers keep us away from any political tensions,” he said. “We have business through the Middle East and we were deploying systems through the Arab Spring.”

Irish telco Openmind Networks has agreed a deal with Ukrainian mobile operator Life that will use the Irish firm's service to deliver bulk application-to-person (A2P) messages to subscribers.

Life will deploy Openmind Networks’ Short Message Service Center (SMSC) for bulk A2P messaging to 13.9 million customers.

A2P messages, such as notifications, news updates and sports results, are on the rise, while traditional person-to-person messages – communications between two subscribers – are on the decline, according to Openmind chief executive Alex Duncan.

“The services tend to be “opt-in” by subscribers, and in general the subscriber or the service pays a premium for the messages,” he said. “It is a major revenue source for mobile operators globally.”


The partnership is Openmind's latest deal in Ukraine. The company has a global presence in several regions.

Openmind Networks began its relationship with Life through a referral from another client, Global Messaging Services, to expand its business in Ukraine and surrounding regions.

Political turmoil

Ukraine’s political turmoil of the past year has not affected the company, said Mr Duncan.

“In general, our customers keep us away from any political tensions,” he said. “We have business through the Middle East and we were deploying systems through the Arab Spring.”

In April, Openmind expanded its relationship with VimpelCom. The Russian operator deployed its Traffic Control platform for powering SMS communications with a growing demand for A2P support.

"Eastern Europe has been a focus of Openmind since it won the group operator Telecom Austria Group with properties across the region," said Mr Duncan. "Our market is global, but we tend to win business close to where we have already won business."