Ryanair gets with it

Airline has signed up for the Dubstarts technology event taking place in the Powerscourt centre in Dublin on Tuesday

Ryanair: becoming quite cool

Not only is Ryanair coming over all disarmingly friendly and nice these days, but it's becoming quite cool too. The airline has signed up for the Dubstarts technology event taking place in the Powerscourt centre in Dublin on Tuesday.

For the uninitiated Dubstarts is a bit like speed dating for unemployed hipsters. It is essentially a jobs fair where hip technology start-ups queue up to make a rapid-fire pitch to jobseekers. It is all done to music.

Ryanair, which is not exactly a hip start-up but is looking for tech staff, is one of the “assorted larger employers” taking part.

I doubt Mick O’Leary will be making the airline’s pitch, but he’d probably fit right in provided he swapped his standard denims for some hipster skinny jeans.