Tech Tools: EnergySquare for wireless device charging

Wireless charger uses conductive stickers to charge any smartphone or tablet

EnergySquare: a thin, wireless charging mat compatible with smartphones or tablets that use micro USB, lightning and USB C connectors

Wireless charging: it seems like the most convenient option – drop your devices, let them charge, and go – but the truth is that if your phone doesn’t come with the support built-in, you need special covers or batteries to cut the cords. Unless you grab EnergySquare.

The device is a thin, wireless charging mat that is compatible with any smartphone or tablet that uses micro USB, lightning and USB C connectors – pretty much all smartphones made in the past five years or so. It works through a thin adhesive sticker you can plug into the phone’s charging port and stick to the back of your phone. There are two conductive dots that link up with your battery and start pumping power into it. You can charge multiple devices at once. in new window ]