The robots are coming - to clean

Mocoro Robot Cleaning Ball roams floors on battery power

Mocoro Robot Cleaning Ball: changes direction when it hits an obstacle.

We’re always on the lookout for things that will take the endless drudgery out of domestic chores.

Check out the Mocoro Robot Cleaning Ball, which costs €36: not only will it clean up your wooden floors, it does it wearing a cheery pink coat. It’s a robotic duster, decked out in washable microfibre, that roams around your rooms picking up dust and generally capturing the filth that lurks there.

When it hits an obstacle it changes direction and after about 15 minutes an internal timer will pause it so the batteries – three AAs, conveniently – don’t waste unnecessarily. To get it going you can nudge it with your foot. It’s highly likely that if you own a cat your feline friend will try to savage it. Fun all round.

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