Meanwhile Facebook has rolled out two new Chrome browser extensions to keep you coming back for more and with more. Share to Facebook is an extension that allows you to share links to Facebook or Messenger from any website you're browsing. You can also click on text and highlight it as a quote before posting – a handy way of picking out plum quotes for friends who are potentially as lazy/strapped for time/overloaded with information as you and would rather not read the entire article. This extension is hit and miss: it only worked with about half of the websites I tried posting. The second extension, Save to Facebook, essentially turns the social networking site into a repository for your "save now, read later" web browsing. Handy for saving all your links in one place and a guarantee for Facebook that you'll be back. Using both extensions means any links you share or save fall under the overall data policy so if you're averse to further tracking maybe think twice before installing.
Web Log: Chrome browser extension for fast Facebook sharing
Save to Facebook turns the social networking site into a repository for your ‘save now, read later’ web browsing