This peculiar mix of bunnies and ballistics sees you whizzing through space in a neon orb to a techno soundtrack while shooting down spacecraft and rescuing cute, fuzzy creatures. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime sounds bizarre but this award-winning game is very playable.
The premise is that a giant heart-shaped space station (the polar opposite of the Death Star) has been ripped apart by a force known as anti-love. Through this rip in space-time pours bad guys who imprison the aforementioned bunnies. Your job is to free them. One-player mode in this co-op game works well because you can enlist a space-cat or space-dog as a trusty sidekick that comes to your aid, neatly gunning down enemies with the kind of precision you wouldn’t expect without opposable thumbs. The graphics are chunky, cartoonish and candy coloured and the gameplay is fast and furious. This Steam title plays okay on a laptop with a keyboard, but it works much better with a game controller.