Brexit has ‘significantly altered’ Irish-British freight traffic

Big increase recorded in volumes between Ireland and other European Union members

Dublin Port. The most significant factor behind the changes in freight traffic was traders abandoning the once-speedier British ‘land bridge’ since Brexit. File photograph: The Irish Times

Post-Brexit trade frictions have "significantly altered" freight traffic between the Republic and Britain and sparked a steep rise in volumes to and from Ireland and other European Union members, a Government agency report noted on Thursday.

The introduction of checks on some goods since Britain left the EU’s trading orbit on December 31st cut imports from Britain by 35 per cent in the first five months of 2021 while the number of shipping routes to mainland Europe more than doubled.

So-called roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) traffic between Irish and British ports was 20 per cent lower in the second quarter compared to the same pre-coronavirus pandemic period in 2019 while volumes on Irish-EU routes were up 99 per cent on 2019, the Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO) said.

Overall volumes were 0.2 per cent lower than the second quarter of 2019, providing a more reliable comparison than previous quarters, which were distorted by pre-Brexit stockpiling and tough Covid-19 restrictions.


The most significant factor behind the changes was traders abandoning the once-speedier British “land bridge” – where hauliers would take a short sea crossing between Dublin and Holyhead in Wales, drive across Britain and then take another ferry to mainland Europe.

Many are shunning the route over concerns about delays and disruption due to new customs controls, the IMDO’s quarterly report found.

Altered configuration

“It is clear in the first six months since Brexit, the configuration of Irish RoRo traffic has been significantly altered,” said the agency, which provides support to maritime businesses, citing the new trading arrangements.

Traffic between Irish and British ports now accounts for 67 per cent of all Irish Ro-Ro volumes compared to 84 per cent two years ago. Direct routes to the EU have doubled their share to 33 per cent.

This does not automatically imply greater trade with other EU member states, the IMDO said, but rather a reconfiguration of supply chains away from the Britain land bridge.

Freight traffic through ports in the North also rose to the highest level since 2007 as hauliers who traditionally accessed markets in the English midlands and southeast via Dublin Port instead shipped goods directly from Northern Ireland.

While some checks have been introduced on goods travelling from Britain into the North, goods can travel freely the other way. However, before Brexit, shipping via Dublin was a speedier option for hauliers. – Reuters