Workaholic wanted

On the lookout: Michael O’Leary wants a new legal and regulatory affairs advisor

If you're a qualified solicitor or barrister and you like to keep busy, Michael O'Leary has just the job for you. Ryanair, which has had more legal dust-ups than I've had hot in-flight dinners, is advertising for a legal and regulatory affairs adviser to report to its head of legal affairs, Juliusz Komorek.

The successful applicant will be expected to “manage high-profile litigation in Ireland and other European jurisdictions”. Unions, pilots, screenscrapers, aviation regulators, commercial rivals, former Miss Worlds . . . they’ve all faced off against Ryanair in the courts at some stage or other. The successful applicant will, at least, have a wide and varied list of projects.

The advertisement specifies that candidates must have expertise in defamation law. Ah, why do they need to know defamation law, Micko? And there was the world’s media thinking Ryanair had suddenly come over all cuddly and nice.