Feel like packing in your job today? You’re not alone

Data from Jobs.ie shows a significant spike in searches for employment on January 24th

The first quarter of the year is the most popular for people looking for a change of scenery at work.
The first quarter of the year is the most popular for people looking for a change of scenery at work.

January – the most depressing month of the year – may be drawing to a close, but apparently that won’t stop hundreds of people contemplating a major change to their lives today.

According to search data from Jobs.ie, January 24th is the busiest day of the year to search for a new job. Based on last year’s figures, traffic on this day is 37 per cent higher than the yearly average.

Jobs.ie said the first quarter of the year is typically the strongest hiring period, with 3,956 roles advertised in January 2017.

Research shows that job searches typically slow down in December, as job hunters wind down and turn their attention to the Christmas festivities. Visits to the site in January are 39 per cent higher compared to the months of November and December.


The most in demand roles in the month of January are in the hospitality, sales and transport and logistics sectors.

Jobs.ie general manager Christopher Paye said traffic to the site “increases significantly” at this time each year.

“Christmas and New Year’s often afford busy professionals time away from the day to day demands of work, and in doing so, provides people with the head space to reflect on their goals and priorities for the year ahead, including their career ambitions,” he said.

“This has typically manifested itself in increased user traffic across the month of January, and based on recent history, job seeker activity has peaked on January 24th.

“The Irish economy is in a particularly vibrant place right now and as a result, there are more opportunities than ever before for job seekers looking to embrace a new challenge or embark on a new career in 2018.”

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter