‘Truth be told I enjoy being a little bit stressed out’

‘However, restoring myself and taking an hour or two each week to chill out and take stock, definitely would help my general health’

Guests attending the Irish Times Be Your Best workshop, a nine-month leadership development programme by Potentialife.

Kevin Glynn,

Credit Sales, Goldman Sachs

I'm just rolling into week three now of the Potentialife programme , where the focus is on health. After completing the first two sections (over two weeks) on strengths I found it a bit of an eye opener to try hone in on and excel at what I am good at.

The whole idea is based on the premise that you can become multiple times better on your strengths, rather than trying to become ok/proficient in areas that may be perceived as your weaknesses.

“Keep on top of things you’re not so good at, but be world-class at your best” - this quote from Brian O’Driscoll, seemed like a very fitting and relatable statement by the conclusion of week two.

I learned some hard-hitting facts straight off the bat on week three (Health). I’m in the red category (not good...) on the sleep front and I personally would like to achieve a higher level of “energy” during the day.


What became apparent on the back of the questions for week three was, I did not have enough mechanisms in place for “restoration”. Truth be told I enjoy being a little bit stressed out, as it puts me under slightly more pressure to work better and get tasks done.

However restoring myself and taking an hour or two each week to chill out and take stock, definitely would help my general health. I might even be swayed to yoga, who knows.

The Be Your Best programme sponsored by the Irish Times is being delivered by Potentialife, a nine-month leadership development programme that incorporates the latest in technology and behavioural science.
See more at

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