Unhappy in work? Here’s how to tell your boss

Four ways to communicate your dissatisfaction to management in a professional way

One of the main drivers of employee disengagement is bad leadership. Photograph: Getty Images

Lower employee engagement has been linked to increased turnover, absenteeism and stress.

One of the main drivers of employee disengagement is bad leadership. But leaders are often unaware of this, not least because upward negative feedback is rare.

Here are four ways to communicate your dissatisfaction with work:

1. 'I need your help to reach my full potential': When people are highly motivated, they perform at their full potential. But for most people, typical performance is merely a fraction of what they are capable of doing. Using this line will remind your boss that there is a clear return on investment in engagement.


2. 'I need a new challenge': When people are put in roles that enable them to master new skills and solve challenging problems, they feel more valuable and fulfilled. In contrast, having employees cruise on autopilot will turn their jobs into boring and meaningless routines and make them feel useless.

3. 'I'm not sure if this role is the right fit for me': People are usually more satisfied and perform better when they are in roles that align with their values and abilities. This line can enable a conversation with your manager about what your preferences are and could help him rethink where you would fit best.

4. 'I find my work exhausting – can you help me?': This line is a gentle reminder that managers are largely responsible for the motivation levels of their employees and teams. Competent managers will try to understand what makes each employee tick and what turns them off in order to develop their role in a way that provides meaning.

Copyright Harvard Business Review 2017