Crosaire No 17017 by Crossheir – Monday, July 29th, 2019

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Young woman (DAMSEL) sporting (= anagram indicator) medals (medals = DAMSEL),

9 Manages (RUNS) 24 across (‘riot’ = RIOT) (RUNS RIOT) and acts with no self-control (RUNS RIOT),

10 Staff (staff/stick = WAND) from magician’s bar (bar/stick = WAND),

11 Won’t (wont = TOWN) confuse (= anagram indicator) The Wailers (CRIERS) (TOWN CRIERS) with old informants perhaps (TOWN CRIERS),


12 In the hunt (SAFARI) for revolutionary (= reversal indicator) paramilitaries’ (IRA = -ARI) old training unit (FÁS = SAF-) (SAFARI),

14 Doses, etc., (doses etc = COSSETED) doctored (= anagram indicator) and spoiled (COSSETED),

15 In relation (GREAT-GRANDCHILD) to the further issue of offspring? (GREAT-GRANDCHILD),

18 Garda might view this (PHOTOFIT) as stolen (-HOT-) from the river (River Po = P-O-) – is that healthy? (-FIT) (PHOTOFIT),

20 Playful pranks (CAPERS) to practise without it (‘practise’ without ‘it’ = pracse = CAPERS),

22 Overall strategy (MASTER PLAN) of maiden (M-) – a relative of Daisy’s (-ASTER) found on Trim (k) board (‘plank’ without ‘k’ = PLAN) (MASTER PLAN),

24 Brave getting off riverboat (‘brave ‘ getting off ‘riverboat’ = riot = RIOT) in violent disorder (RIOT),

25 Accompanied (ESCORTED) to wild (= anagram indicator) secret do (secret do = ESCORTED),

26 Go over (EXCEED) to Spain (E-) with Ray (-X- ray), Clare (-CE-) and Teddy (-ED) (EXCEED).


1 Megalomaniac releases income (‘megalomaniac’ releases ‘income’ = mgalaa = MALAGA) from Iberian port (MALAGA),

2 Discussed missing discs (‘discussed’ missing ‘discs’ = used = USED) – that’s nothing new (USED),

3 Secretly planning (PLOTTING) place (PL-) with good books (Old Testament = -OT-) that’s sound as a bell perhaps (-TING) (PLOTTING),

4 Webmaster has no mates (‘webmaster’ has no ‘mates’ = webr = BREW) to make a cup of tea (BREW),

5 It’s nothing to open (‘Nothing’ to open = -N-) and tuck into bags (S-ACKS) (SNACKS) of crisps (SNACKS),

6 College (C-) and institute (-I-) in scheme (ruse = -RU-SE) to deliver (to SHIP) (CRUISE SHIP) option for those looking to work overseas (CRUISE SHIP),

7 A ringer (DOORBELL) for Bolero (Bolero = -OORBEL-) adaptation (= anagram indicator) in Donegal (D-L) (DOORBELL),

13 Reworking of a previous version (ADAPTATION) by tailor (ADAPT-) from, for instance, Panama (nation) that needs no introduction (n) (‘nation’ without ‘n’ = -ATION)


14 Gossip (CHA-T) about introduction to niceties (introduction to ‘Niceties’ = -N-) (CHANT) you might hear at demonstration (CHANT),

16 Check your lines in advance (REHEARSE) for catches (-HEARS-) in lough (Lough RE-E) (REHEARSE),

17 Trace Ned (trace Ned = DECANTER) Cook (= anagram indicator) from port vessel (DECANTER),

19 Irish men (Irish ‘men’ = FIR-) taking car (model -T-) in ship (-S-S) (FIRSTS) for unprecedented events (FIRSTS),

21 Writer (-ED) behind (= position indicator) 24 across (‘riot’ = RIOT-) (RIOTED) caused trouble (RIOTED),

23 Laying odds on both sides (‘LAying odDS’ on both sides = LADS) for the boys (LADS),

24 Radio silence around (‘RAdio silenCE’ around = RACE) track event (RACE).