1 In Paris, miss (Paris/French ‘Miss’ = FRENCH TEACHER) classy type of Madame, in a manner of speaking (FRENCH TEACHER),
10 One of those found in 25 across (RUSSIAN in ‘Russia’) as ruins (as ruins = RUSSIAN) demolished (= anagram indicator),
11 The Mikado (EMPEROR) – it’s crazily (= anagram indicator) more (more = EM-OR) about setting up (= reverse indicator) a gent? (‘a gent’ = agent = rep = -PER-) (EMPEROR),
12 The common sense (NOUS) to set up (= reverse indicator) paper (Sun = N-US) around Oxford (-O-) (NOUS),
13 Drone (drone/buzz = HUM-) from America (-US) (HUMUS) is found on the ground (HUMUS),
15 Canberra loses race (‘Canberra’ loses ‘race’ = nbra = BRAN) helping the internal movement of food (BRAN),
17 Mate (PAL) fires gun from Persian Gulf (‘fires gun’ from ‘Persian Gulf’ = pal = PAL),
19 Birds (HERONS), hens or (hens or) cuckoo? (= anagram indicator) (hens or = HERONS),
21 Whiskey (W-) blows the head off (h) Hurt (‘harm’ without ‘h’ = -ARM-) with most of the (most of ‘the’ = -TH) (WARMTH) heat (WARMTH),
22 Take olives away from Seville orange (take ‘olives’ away from ‘Seville orange’ = lerange = GENERAL) – and that’s not being particular? (GENERAL),
23 Opening unctuous (opening ‘unctuous’ = U-) wines (wines = -NWISE) all over the place (= anagram indicator) (UNWISE) is reckless (UNWISE),
25 Most of (h) Dublin seaside town (‘rush’ without ‘h’ = RUS-) school (-S-) returning (= reversal indicator) first class (A1 = -IA) (RUSSIA) from the country (RUSSIA),
27 Oily type (FAT) of resin from Fine Arts (‘resin’ from ‘fine arts’ = fat = FAT),
29 Found in residence (found in ‘reSIDEnce’ = SIDE) by the border (SIDE),
30 Type of wine (DRY- wine) on billboard (-AD) (DRYAD) is a legendary divine type associated with oak, for one (tree nymph/divinity of the woods = DRYAD),
31 They typically spend adult life on land before returning to sea (EFTS), escaping from the sun, for starters (‘Escaping From The Sun’ for starters = EFTS),
34 They’re responsible for the paperwork (NEWSMEN) for the anchors (NEWSMEN),
35 Dessert (TAPIOCA) produced in the public house (TAP-) and by women’s institute (Irish Countrywomen’s Association = ICA = -I-CA) around Ring (-O-) (TAPIOCA),
36 Pot (pot = PAN-) found in gateau (FRENCH -CAKE) (FRENCH PANCAKE) served in a crêperie (FRENCH PANCAKE).
2 Doctor’s (doctors = anagram indicator) cures (cures = RESCU-) in hospital (-ER) (RESCUER) a lifesaver (RESCUER),
3 One of those with links to Fingers (NAIL) – little better than the banks (the banks of ‘LIttle better thAN’ = lian), in retrospect (= reverse indicator) (lian = NAIL),
4 Suspend (HANG-) headless (p) boxer (‘pup’ without ‘ p’ = -UP) (HANG-UP) – he has a chip on his shoulder (HANG-UP),
5 Joy to behold (EYEFUL) everything the viewer is aware of (EYEFUL),
6 It’s integral to Jamaica Pepper (it’s integral to ‘jamaiCA PEpper’ = CAPE) and cod, for one? (CAPE Cod),
7 Listening device (EARDRUM) for solving (= anagram indicator) a murder (a murder = EARDRUM),
8 What you get to eat taking in tours (what you get to eat taking in Tours, France = FRENCH CUISINE) from the à la carte menu presumably (FRENCH CUISINE),
9 Nice chap’s (Nice/French chap’s = FRENCHMAN’S) accountant (CA-) with soft (soft/piano = -P) (FRENCHMAN’S CAP) beret (FRENCHMAN’S CAP),
14 Prepared lunch for Arabians (prepared lunch for Arabians/horses = MADE HAY) – it’s what one did as the sun shone (MADE HAY),
16 Some gang’s terrorising (some ‘gANGS Terrorising’ = ANGST) out of a feeling of unease (ANGST),
18 The benefit (VALUE) of Dell (dell/hollow = VAL-E) embracing university (-U-) (VALUE),
20 Keep company with (SEE) characters in freestyle (characters in ‘frEEStyle’ = ees) backstroke (= reverse indicator) (ees = SEE),
21 What a major employer is capable of (WAR) and not in Rwanda? (‘and’ not in ‘Rwanda’ = rwa = WAR),
24 Weirdo (weirdo) running (= anagram indicator) (weirdo = -IDOWER) after (= position indicator) women (W-) (WIDOWER) – presumably his wife has died (WIDOWER),
26 Brood (sulk = SU-LK) over party (Fianna Fáil = -FF-) leader over (leader ‘Over’ = -O-) (SUFFOLK) in English county (SUFFOLK),
27 A type of toast (FRENCH toast) popular on the sides today (FRENCH on all sides of today’s grid),
28 Eastern philosophy (TANTRA) embraced by Tibetan travellers (embraced by ‘tibeTAN TRAvellers’ = TANTRA),
32 Warning (OMEN) from revolutionary (= reverse indicator) clandestine movement (‘clandestiNE MOvement’ = nemo = OMEN),
33 Large scale (EPIC) concealment of vine pickings (concealment of ‘vinE PICkings’ = EPIC).