1 Be helpful to a traveller? (parable of the GOOD SAMARITAN in the Gospel of Luke) Not a passer-by! (GOOD SAMARITAN),
10 Where to find butter, sausages, rashers and brown sauce? (ON A ROLL) Luckily, it’s hot (be lucky/hot/successful = ON A ROLL),
11 Sound response to bug (ATISHOO) from leading actor (leading ‘Actor’ = A-) on time (-T-) for one (-I-) short (t) film session (‘shoot’ without ‘t’ = -SHOO) (ATISHOO),
12 Shadow- (shadow/track = DOG-) -boxes the ultimate (‘boxeS’ the ultimate = -S) (DOGS) boxers? (DOGS),
13 They’re on the market (GOODS) for multiples of all sides today (‘good’ on all sides of today’s grid = GOODS),
15 Brigades’ dismissed base (‘brigades’ dismissed ‘base’ = rigd = GRID) network (GRID),
17 Provençal farm (MAS) in part of pass – a mountain (in part of ‘pasS A Mountain’ = sam) retreat (= reversal indicator) (sam = MAS),
19 Rules (rules) out (= anagram indicator) (rules = ULS-ER) taking in top, tails (top ‘Tails’ = -T-) (ULSTER) and long loose overcoat (ULSTER overcoat),
21 Bar (BAN-) New Yorker (yank) briefly (k) (‘yank’ without ‘k’ = -YAN) (BANYAN) in the old robe (BANYAN),
22 Awful (= anagram indicator) brute (brute = BUT-ER) outside church (-CH-) (BUTCHER) selling joints (BUTCHER),
23 A childish type (KIDDIE) of joke (KID-) to cut out (-DIE) (KIDDIE),
25 Earl Grey’s (Earl Greys = TEAS-) sweetheart (‘swEet’ heart = -E-), from the heart of England (heart of ‘engLand’ = -L) (TEASEL), is a prickly sort (TEASEL),
27 One of The Blues (SKY blue) from South (S-) Kerry? (-KY) (SKY),
29 Fit of irritation (HUFF) from most of (b) the Centre (hub) (‘hub’ without ‘b’ = HU-) Party (Fianna Fáil = -FF) (HUFF),
30 Curse (SWEAR) women (-W-) taken in by saying of (= homophone indicator) fortune-teller? (‘seer’ = ‘sear’ = S-EAR) (SWEAR),
31 Gets caught up (= reverse indicator) in sheer frustration (gets caught up in ‘shEER Frustration’ = eerf = FREE) of looking for work with nothing on (FREE),
34 Outline (RECOUNT) intros to Raven, Exorcist (introductions to ‘Raven Exorcist’ = RE-) and Dracula (-COUNT) (RECOUNT),
35 Relations (KIN-) pay tribute to (cite) Rising (= reverse indicator) (cite = -ETIC) (KINETIC) – a moving effect (KINETIC),
36 Presumably this is essential if you’re tuning into the match (GOOD RECEPTION) after the wedding (GOOD RECEPTION).
2 Colourful types (ORANGES) working in the kitchen (-RANGES) on first (= position indicator) order (O-) (ORANGES),
3 State of mind (mood = DOOM) reflected (= reverse indicator) in downfall (DOOM),
4 A (A-) bad start (‘Bad’ start = -B-) for gents (-LOO-) with 1,000 (-M) (ABLOOM) covered in flowers (ABLOOM),
5 Answer (A-) charges (-WARDS) (AWARDS) for taking gold and silver (AWARDS),
6 Tiberius’ missing tube (‘Tiberius’ missing ‘tube’ = iris = IRIS) found in the garden (IRIS),
7 Tree (ASH-) behind convent (behind ‘convenT’ = -T-) school (-RAY) (ASHTRAY) couldn’t have been designed better for the smokers (ASHTRAY),
8 Break a leg (break a leg! = GOOD LUCK) on March (march = CHARM) showing off (= anagram indicator) (GOOD LUCK CHARM) mascot (GOOD LUCK CHARM),
9 A role model (GOOD INFLUENCE) for the man upstairs (GOOD INFLUENCE),
14 Chinese way (Tao) of serving up (= reverse indicator) (Tao = OAT-) dessert (-CAKE) (OATCAKE) biscuit (OATCAKE),
16 Delta (D-) near rising (= reverse indicator) river on Roman site (Tiber) is endless (r) (‘Tiber’ without ‘r’ = tibe = -EBIT) (DEBIT)? No credit for getting this! (DEBIT),
18 Bordeaux (claret) has no port (port/left = l) (‘claret’ without ‘l’ = CARET) and Ed is responsible for this? (CARET = ? editing mark to indicate text to be inserted),
20 Nice street (Nice/French ‘street’ = RUE), e.g., pity I haven’t been down it before (“pity I haven’t been down it before” is an example of what RUE means),
21 Risk (BET) is tied up (= reversal indicator) in state bank (in ‘staTE Bank’ = teb = BET),
24 In effect, take it as a done deal (DE FACTO) with feta cod (feta cod) salad (= anagram indicator) (feta cod = DE FACTO),
26 Holy man (Saint = ST-) upsets (= reverse indicator) animal (otter = -RETTO) (STRETTO) with a piece of music (STRETTO),
27 Bandage (SWATHE) in hospitals ultimately (‘hospitalS’ ultimately = S-) wrong (= anagram indicator) – what? (what = -WATH-) Yes (yes), that’s the heart of it! (e) (‘yEs’ = -E) (SWATHE),
28 Jerk (YANK-) gets drug (-E-) from Oriental (East = -E) (YANKEE) figure living in America (YANKEE),
32 Key (music key C-) to umami roast dish starters (‘Umami Roast Dish’ starters = -URD) (CURD) of cauliflower? (CURD),
33 Apparent, in a backward way (= reverse indicator), Putin knows (apparent in ‘puTIN Knows’ = tink = KNIT) of link (KNIT).