Richard Flanagan has won the Man Booker Prize with the novel he “was born to write” #ManBooker2014
— The Booker Prizes (@TheBookerPrizes) October 14, 2014
Mammy, I done a blue one and Michael done a colouredy one!#budget15
— Colm Tobin (@colmtobin) October 14, 2014

Wait a minute: Iceland beat Holland 2-0? Iceland. Beat. Holland. Please let this be an omen for Ireland v Germany.
— John Connolly (@jconnollybooks) October 13, 2014
For the record, I wasn't complaining to @lindasgrant re judging the Booker-it's been hard work but I loved it. Her reservations are her own!
— Sarah Churchwell (@sarahchurchwell) October 13, 2014
**The Irish Writers Football Team** is now a thing and recruiting. If u are interested, contact me or honorary paddy @tolmorris
— Colin Barrett (@ColinBarrett82) October 10, 2014
If you liked this week's story by Haruki Murakami, try "Yesterday," from June.
— New Yorker Fiction (@NYerFiction) October 10, 2014
— Nina Stibbe (@ninastibbe) October 10, 2014
Me: you seem disappointed
Vic: it wasn't all that exciting
Me: really?
Vic: well I'm used to Harry Potter
Faces. Look at their tiny unwilling faces. RT @jenniferhodgson: Oh cripes.
— Jon McGregor (@jon_mcgregor) October 9, 2014
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